
INTUITION IGNITION – a guided devotion to yourself

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25 lessons
0 quizzes
15 students


Welcome to my sunrise devotion!

I dedicate this 11 day practice to listen to the voice within, uncover innate wisdom and follow intuitive guidance.

All you need is 11 minutes after waking, ideally around sunrise, the guided task and a journal. Should sunrise does not work for you, you can do the practices any time of the day, important is that you dedicate a specific time to it, best is in the morning.

I recommend to prepare a cup of Cacao before or after and deepen into the daily devotion, a cup of seasonal herbal tea or a glass of fresh spring water – yet you alone are enough, you do not need anything else than YOUR PRESENCE.


It is said that the gods were pondering as to where to hide the biggest power in the universe, in order for the humans not to find it until they are responsible and ready.

After many suggestions the wisest of them all said to hide it in the human itself, as they will never think to search there until they are mature enough to follow the journey within.

(paraphrase of a Hindu legend)


Could this greatest power be our intuition?

Let us find out what Intuition actually stands for and how to get access and further deepen our intuitive being.

This course contains:

  • information, tips and tricks on how to access intuition and differentiate it from fear, thoughts and instinct
  • a 1.5h cacao ceremony (optional)
  • 11 recorded rituals to ignite intuition
  • 3 Bonus videos


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Born and raised in South Germany, Laura lived in Iceland during her visual arts studies where she met ceremonial cacao in 2017. She graduated as a literature, language and visual art teacher yet uses her teaching skills outside the school system to empower others in following their hearts. She started holding cacao ceremonies and guiding meditations in 2018 and founded her heart led business Kakaozauber to bring more magic and connection to her world. “Cacao sorcery” is the direct translation of „kakaozauber“ and stands for the alchemy we can create by re-membering the power of our own intuition, the wisdom of our hearts and the love for sacred chocolate. As a Cacao Priestess Laura offers initiation ceremonies (such as weddings, blessing ways, birthdays, funerals) and infuses her cacao rituals with the myths of Avalon, explores shamanic drum journeys and weaves her story telling into her ceremonies. Laura lives in Glastonbury, UK after spending the first lockdown 2020 down the road from Keith & Barbara in San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lenka Kromann

    Dear Laura, I would love more of intuition voice in my life and I would definitely like deeper and clearer connection with mama cacao.
    I am working with a lot of approaches, but feels like no break through happening.
    I still do really feel some subtle shift, when drinking ceremonial dosis of cacao, which gives me a hope. I would like to try the dieta program ,but I am in the same time on a pilgrimage trip to France and I am not sure if only reply would do the same work- otherwise I could maybe start with this one….
    What would you say ? Big hug and blessings from our cold Danish island
    Love Lenka

    1. Dear Lenka, I absolutely recommend doing the INTUITION IGNITION Program before the Cacao Dieta (or any plant medicine work) as it helps you to connect with your intuition and therefore discern your inner voice and wisdom from emotional fluctuation, rational thinking and physical impulses.
      This will lay a strong foundation for working with ceremonial Cacao on a deeper level – as this subtle plant expands her magic when you are capable to listen and collaborate with the Spirit of Cacao (for which a connection with your own Spirit is essential).
      That being said, Cacao will guide you wherever you are and all is right in its own time. I would be honoured to support you on this path as I am passionate about Connection to Intuition (my own journey was a long uncovering and took me years, and still is evolving). Feel free to message me with more questions or feedback about the course: kakaozauber@gmail.com
      With a smile,

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