This is a 2 hour video lesson for Cacao Facilitators who haven´t had proper guidance or want to deepen their wisdom. If you wish to become a Cacao Facilitator and look for a training you can join THE MAGIC OF CACAO – no matter if you share Cacao already or are on a personal journey with the sacred plant medicine, you will find yourself on a wonderful quest and exploration. The Magic of Cacao Course is bringing you every information about ceremonial Cacao that you could possibly wish for plus several ceremonies, guided meditations, personal inner work, individual mentorship and more.
Click here for the Facilitator TRAINING
This Masterclass for Cacao Facilitators is for you if you already have done intensive research and gathered experience in holding space. It will help you to understand your role in the current trend of Cacao and how to be of authentic service.

In this Class I cover:
*Cacao Connection & Gratitude
*Integral Practices and Reflection for Accountability
*My personal Intention about sharing ceremonial cacao
*CEREMONY VS. CIRCLE how to honour sacred space and discern it from other cacao offerings
*Essential skills for holding sacred space
*Supporting participants in their processes
*Physical effects during and after cacao
*Cacao dosage during pregnancy
£55 – you have instant access: the video link will be shown in the confirmation page
In dieser 2 stündigen Intensiv Lektion erleuchte ich diese Themen:
*Kakao Einleitung & Verbindung
*Laura´s Geschichte und Anfänge mit zeremoniellem Kakao
*Die Essenz der Inneren Arbeit mit Kakao und der eigenen Erfahrung
*Kakaozeremonie vs. Kakaokreise
Wie wir heilige Räume ehren und sie von anderen Kakao Angeboten unterscheiden
*Teilnehmer in ihren Prozessen unterstützen
*Physische Effekte während und nach Kakao
*Kakao Dosis in der Schwangerschaft
*Frage- und Austauschrunde
€65 – du bekommst direkten Zugang, der Link ist nach Kauf auf der Bestätigungsseite verfügbar!