“Practice is over, fucking deal with it” Keith Wilson

THIS is the time. NOW we have to show up.
Find trust and power in our own hearts and offer support to others.
The world now has entered the unknown potential and we have but one choice: to go through our own pain and confusion and find our unique voice and Magick.
NOW is the time I have been waiting for: the time that shows me the importance about my work, my guidance, my intuition, my empathy, my inner compass, discernment, my fun, lighthearted and strong ability to hold space.
Holding space for others is a responsibility we as -whatever you want to call yourself (light worker, healer, shaman, witch, priestess, support person)- need to take on NOW.
Holding space for others in their confusion.
Holding space for others in their fear.
Holding space for others in their grief!
Holding space for others in their anxiety.
Holding space for others in their pain.
This is the time Mama Cacao has prepared me for. The time to open people’s hearts - to themselves!
So that they find their guiding system.
So that they find their own truth.
So that they find hope, joy, surrender.
So that they find softness, curiosity.
So that they find love and compassion.
Face your pain and transform it into power!
Claim your inner heart sword and sovereignty.
It takes practice but every step is worth it and will bring you closer to yourself and your community.