15 days of plant medicine teachings to EMBODY LOVE
Daily Intake of ceremonial Cacao with Knowledge, Practices and guidance from an experienced Cacao Facilitator will help you to build an authentic, rich and deep connection with the Cacao Plant & a lived and integrated relationship with her Spirit.
Why is it beneficial to build a relationship with Cacao?
The spell of our modern society has us relying on external sources and neglecting our own intuition, forgetting our own magic and has us constantly distracted from our power.
Cacao comes from the rainforest to establish harmony between humans and nature by reminding us that we are already exactly that: nature.
And being nature means being creation and creator, it means to grow and thrive, to collaborate and shine in uniqueness.
Nature is complete in itself and teaches us that dark and light can live in accordance with each other, soft moss and hard stone belong together, plants can be healing and poisonous.
So do we have our beautiful and ugly sides to us and Cacao is THE support to find acceptance and even bliss in this process of awareness, of embracing the diversity of our nature whilst helping us establish a path that suits our individual journey.
Cacao wants us to discover the magic in our reality with joyful eyes, fully consciously present and rooted in this world, not needing to escape. Cacao reminds us of the value to be born as humans in relationship with plants and creatures of this earth and she wants us to honour this life instead of trying to escape from it like we so often do – either by the misconception of “ascending” out of this reality into “Higher Realms”, distracting us with video games, movies or social media, taking recreational drugs for those huge kicks (and big come downs) or numbing ourselves down to endure life´s challenges.
Cacao helps us to feel, understand and heal what we are trying to supress in order for us to create a life that WE want to live!
Embody Cacaos Teachings to change your world – and through your inner growth also that of those around you. Be the change you want to see in the world and have Cacao and myself by your side as you walk your way to more bliss, pleasure and satisfaction.
BRING ON YOUR MAGIC because it is needed!
BRING ON YOUR MAGIC because it is needed!
I will be offering a guided Cacao Dieta, called JOINING ROOTS to facilitate your connection with the Cacao Spirit and hold you accountable to integrate and embody her heart medicine!