online training & In person retreat in glastonbury
What is at the Heart of Avalon? And what connects Avalon with our Heart and that of the Earth?
Avalon is calling forth many into devotion in various ways and from various worlds:
History, Literature, Mythology, Spirituality… And as a Priestess of Avalon my passion is to illuminate pathways into her worlds, so that you, too will find your individual quest and embark on it with courage, inspiration and love.
Learn the Faery Accord, its meaning and ways to restore it, alongside the Grail Mysteries and how they are relevant today. Discover who King Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot truly were and which stories they have to tell us today.
Be guided by Morgan Le Fey across the waters to the Healing Island of Avalon and witness her shapeshift from Queen, Priestess and Sorceress to awaken these archetypes within you.
We are anchoring Avalon into our world.
PART OF THIS COURSE IS AN IN-PERSON RETREAT IN GLASTONBURY NEXT YEAR: To immerse in the lands that are now recognised as real life portals and energy centres of Avalon. Here you will further learn about Celtic Christianity or the Druidic Church, the fusion of Goddess Culture and Christ Consciousness, with reference to druidic knowledge and the core teachings of Mary and Mary Magdalene.
Are you fascinated by the legends of this magical island?
Maybe you have read the Mists of Avalon and long for the book/movie to be real? (Spoiler: real lived Avalon is not a fantasy, but it is confronting and so much better than any novel could describe)
Do you want to develop yourself personally and spiritually, using the cycles of nature and working with the powers of the ancient Celtic goddesses?
Then follow me through the year and experience how AVALON – The Eternal Island of the Heart enchants your life.
My hidden super power is to part the mists and make the worlds of Avalon visible for you! I myself have traveled through illusions and across dark waters and passionately explore the various shores and coasts of the paradise island of Avalon. Her priestesses have called me to them, have healed heartache and sorrow, the Lady of the Lake is and remains my strongest palpable ally and the energies of the Otherworld give me support and rootedness to my being in the here and now. With presence, joy and magic in life.
Many stories are entwined around Avalon, but I have made it my task to get to the bottom of the true origin.
What is really behind the mists?
What lies beneath the mystical robes of the priestesses?
How can we use the legends in our modern everyday life?
Why is Avalon calling us?
How can we initiate ourselves on this path to move forward together into our magical life?
It all starts with a dying king …
Arthur himself, our renowned King, was mortally wounded and was carried off to the Isle of Avalon, so that his wounds might be attended to.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain
9 priestesses lived on the ancient isle of Avalon, also known as the fortunate island.
Morgan, the most skilled in magic and the healing arts took the famous King with her, to tend to his wounds. Some say he died. Others wait until he is reborn. But we are not merely waiting, we are remembering our responsibility in the cause of time to heal our own wounds, step into sovereignty and take responsibility to live a fullfilled life.
START: November 10th, 2023
As within so without, cycle of year, quarter and third of a year, monthly and moon cycles
Each month consists of:
– a recorded lesson about Avalonian Tradition, Culture and Priestess Path
– a story of corresponding guide or goddess of the season
– a lesson of the seasonal festival and/or practical tasks for the inner work
– a magical symbol or otherworldly portal/entry way
– 7 online ceremonies and 1 IN PERSON RETREAT during the seasonal celebrations
plus further research material, study recommendations, moon cycle and plant insights
All on an online course platform and an additional group chat for personal exchange, updates, gatherings.
The first four months (oct/nov/dec/jan) we will be journeying through the Realm of the Sea, the past, the collective unconscious on the outside through story, literature and mythology. On the inside , within, we will dive into our personal subconscious and do shadow work, explore our past and why we are drawn to the isle of Avalon.
We learn what Avalon is, means and who is connected with the sacred isle.
This intersects with the first quarter of our Celtic Wheel of The Year (Nov/dec/jan) which we explore as the season of the Cailleach, the Celtic creation goddess and the archetype of the hag – or in Arthurian literature known as the loathly lady. She is the one we need to learn to love, honour and respect in order for her to transform our lives and bestow sovereignty on us – again as within so without, we invite our ugliest and most feared parts to surface. Because only then are we tending to the harsh wintery soil and prepare the seeds to grow for the next season to begin.
From the depth of winter spring emerges and we are integrating our lessons into our daily lives to see them sprout as nature is born anew.
The coming four months (feb/march/apr/mai) are the Realm of the Land, our present life, our conscious, in which we get to establish a personal practice, and move from inner work such as meditation to practical tasks and eventually conscious connection to the Otherworld and fae realm through the portals in nature.
This is also the start of the second quarter of the year (feb/mar/apr) which we explore as the Season of Brigid, with Flower Goddesses, may queens and the archetype of the maiden – the beautiful metamorphosis from loathly lady to lady sovereignty.
Our last four months together (june/july/aug/sept) we will be journeying the Realm of the Sky, the future limitless potential, our superconscious and becoming self. We start with an initiation and an in-person cocreated retreat over summer solstice.
Here we transition from the Season of the Lady of the Lake to the Season of Rhiannon, from Enchantress to Mother. Before the Wheel turns once again and we have yet to find out what will be our next journey…
This is where our individual GRAIL QUEST will start, where we learn about facilitation and spiritual service whilst becoming the vessel, the grail, the channel, the priestess, the queen ourselves.
This is where we are called to action, restoring the Faery Accord and being of service to the world – be it in public facilitation roles or in our own family, environment and small circles
Everything will be recorded and you have unlimited access after the yearlong immersion comes to a close. The retreat time is included (travel expenses and accommodation have to be paid additionally once our group is established and I can confirm our venue).
£1170 paid in FULL: https://buy.stripe. com/fZe9B6dhYe2o02k9BF
£ 411 TRIAD 3 payments every four months: https://buy.stripe. com/bIYcNi91If6sg1iaFK
£ 333 QUARTER 4 payments every 3 months: https://buy.stripe. com/4gw3cI7XE1fC02kaFM
£120 /MONTHLY: https://buy.
Please let me know what payment option works best for you and I will arrange a plan according to your means.
In Glastonbury this mystical place called Ynys Affalon found its earthly home. For centuries people have pilgrimed here, to pay homage to the famous grave of King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere. Others have come to lay their weary hands down in prayer next to the holy thorn tree, supposedly planted by Joseph of Arimethea. And today bus loads of women, dressed in priestess robes, walk the streets to trace back Mary Magdalene.
Glastonbury is also the place where the polarities meet. It is the crossroads of duality, of feminine and masculine, red and white, humans and fae. Even though Avalon is an otherworldy island that can be accessed in many places, and reached only through the gateway of the courageous heart, there are portals to be found here in the South West of England, the summer country and former swamp lands, now planted with cider apples.
Glastonbury certainly has charming aspects, if so with a Harry Potter Dress up flair. It´s certainly not subtle. Yet the true Avalonian Magic moves in invisible iridescent wafts through the streets and particularly through the sacred springs. Once they were united, alchemised but a wall has been erected and a road built and the sacred streams of Glastonbury are separated.
Email or contact Laura via phone +44 (0) 7494069328
You will receive recordings of all video lessons and seasonal ceremonies of every month. Should you choose to join after the official start date, you can catch up easily in your own time and choose your own study topics according to your personal relevance.
LESSON: What is Avalon? History, Etymology and Myth
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Morgan Le Fey
SYMBOL: The barge
LESSON: Annwfyn, Mythology, Y Mabinogi
GOD/DESS or GUIDE:: Sheela Na Gig
SYMBOL: Island in mist, castles of the otherworld
WITHIN: Shadow Work
LESSON: Arthurian Literature
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: The Loathly Lady, Elen of the Ways
SYMBOL: White Hart
FESTIVAL: Winter Solstice
LESSON: From Matrilineage to patrilineage and the development of characters
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Ceridwen
SYMBOL: Cauldron of Transformation
WITHIN: slowness, surrender, stillness
LESSON: Intention and Integration
WITHIN: personal practice
LESSON: Priestessing today, core values of a modern priestess
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Eostre, Blodeuwedd
SYMBOL: the sword in the stone
WITHIN: Devotion and Dedication, Challenges and Triggers
LESSON: Sisterhood, The Ninefold Path
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Creiddylad, Gwynn ap Nudd (the Faery King)
SYMBOL: ravens
WITHIN: Faery King and Queen
LESSON: The Great Rite, Faery, Thresholds of Liminality
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Blanchefleur and Perceval
SYMBOL: spiral, harp, trees
LESSON: Glasto RETREAT MIDSUMMER DREAM The Elucidation, Restoring the Faery Accord
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Lady of the Lake, Nimue
SYMBOL: Glastonbury Tor
FESTIVAL: Summer Solstice
LESSON: Quest for your Holy Grail, become the vessel for your own sovereignty
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Arianrhod, Medb, Branwen
SYMBOL: Branch, rod
WITHIN: presence, healing
LESSON: The Awen, Facilitation as an expression of sacred service (opening/closing space)
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Rhiannon, Lugh/Ethniu, Taliesin
SYMBOL: vesicle pisces, awen
FESTIVAL: Lammas/Lughnasadh
LESSON: Pentagram, the Avalonian Cycle of Healing, the center of facilitation
GOD/DESS or GUIDE: Grail Maiden
SYMBOL: apple, cup
FESTIVAL: Mabon, harvest (within and without)
*please note everything is subject to change as we work organically and in accordance with nature, our own, the unfolding of a group container and the unravelling of a mystical journey into the unknown, guided by spirit
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